Wednesday, April 28, 2010


YouTube is something that I am relatively familiar with. I spent a little while tonight exploring and trying to find a video that could teach children the main elements of writing an interesting narrative. The reason I chose that is because the students in my prac class are currently learning the skills necessary to complete an entertaining narrative. Unfortunately I could only find one and it was very uninteresting, so decided to pass.

I then thought about the fact that there are many children who not only struggle with maths but find it difficult and wonder why it is necessary to know. I found a really good youtube clip, probably targeted to younger years, that identifies maths in everyday life. This is important as children can then see maths as being relevent outside of school. Tasks such as counting money, counting the number of slices of a pizza, identifying patterns on road footpaths and seeing symmetry in nature, are all considered maths. Students therefore can see more clearly the authenticity of learning mathematics and its purpose in their lives.

I believe this clip would be a really good introduction to the concept of maths. To form this clip into a project, students could form groups and identify together, maths concepts they can identify in everyday life.

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